Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Final Project

Again in my final project, I want to explore the idea of uncertainty. I want to explore this idea using a mirror. There are many stories, songs, and movies about mirrors. Sometimes the plots are magical, scary or even beautiful. Why is that? We are looking at a same object, but why do people feel different? Why is it that we look at ourselves through the mirror the first thing in the morning? It is I believe because the mirrors explore the idea of uncertainty, and we look for answers desperately to find it. I want to explore this idea using photoshop. I want to give the project an eerie feeling, so I can leave the viewers something to think about after looking at it. And I want to use an endless loop, so they can stare at it for a long time. It would be very cool if my art is shown in the art gallery in the TV near restrooms, so they would be afraid to look at the mirror.
I got many of my ideas from the mirror scare scenes from various movies, and Michael Jackson's song the man in the mirror. While the movies main reason is to scare the audience, and the song was trying to make the lyric very meaningful, deep down, they were all trying to explore the idea of uncertainty using the mirrors. The movie is trying to scare the viewers using the uncertainty, and Jackson is trying to know who he is looking at when he sees the mirror.
In this project, I am going to use many filters, photo filters, and piles of layers to give the different feeling to the mirror. Also I am going to use animation to make sure that viewers stare my project for a longtime.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Blog assignment 5

My most significant accomplishment would be the complex layering that I am now able to do. Now I can not only put pictures on top of one another, now I can use mask and photo filters and the complex brush and patch tools to make the layerings very smooth. If you look at my midterm it seems as if the umbrella was already next to the screaming guy. But i used the filters tools to make the surface of the umbrella similar to the figure, and used eraser tools and healing brush tools to make it very smooth.
For me the most challenging part of the course was the selection. It requires patience and very steady hands to select the part, I want to. It was very difficult in the beginning. When the selection suddenly disappears or the pointer suddenly jumps to different area, I got very frustrated. But now, with the knowledge of many shortcut keys and many other tools, it is much easier, and the selection got much smoother.
If you look at my quiz 3 and my midterm, you can see that they both used many techniques. But my midterm has a some kind of meaning, while my quiz doesn't. My quiz seems like a display of techniques, while my midterms shows some big idea incorporated in the art. It is very hard to explain. I feel like denotations or the techniques are similar, but you can certainly "sense" that one is an art while the other is not. I think the quiz is just to please the eyes of the viewer, while the midterm is to make the viewers to feel and to think when they look at the art.

Blog Assignment 4

Again in my final project I want to explore the idea of uncertainty. I want to explore this idea using a mirror. There are many stories, songs, movies about mirrors. sometimes the plots are magical, scary and even beautiful sometimes. Why is that? We are looking at a same object but why do people feel differently? Why is it that we look at ourselves the first thing in the morning? There are many uncertainty in the object. I want to explore this idea using photoshop. I want to give the project an eerie feeling, so I can leave the viewers something to think about after looking at it. And I want to use an endless loop, so they can stare at it for a long time. It would be very cool if my art is shown in the art gallery in the TV near restrooms, so they would be afraid to look at the mirror.
I got many of my ideas from the mirror scare scenes from various movies, and Michael Jackson's song the man in the mirror. While the movies are trying to scare the audience, and the song was trying to make the lyric very meaningful, they were all trying to explore the idea of uncertainty using the mirrors. I have uploaded the videos in the previous posts.
In this project, I am going to use many filters, photo filters, and piles of layers to give the different feeling to the mirror. Also I am going to use animation to make sure that viewers stare my project for a longtime. Also I am going to learn the techniques from Youtube, especially from the user named photoshopmama.(