Monday, January 31, 2011

Big Idea discussion

 Reading the article, "Big Ideas and Art making" answered so many question I had. Whenever I'm in an art museum, I was always bored by the weird paintings that could have been drawn by a three year old. And even when I found an interesting work, I never knew what to do after that. But after reading this, I realized, the works are more than just paints on a canvas. Through their pictures, artists express their "ideas" and show it to the audience.  After realizing that, I googled many images I saw when I was at the museum, and observed the arts in that sense. And by doing that, in my mind, I made smarter comments than, "hmmm, that's interesting..." Also after reading this, I got to realize why some artists are more famous than others. It is not "what" they paint that get them famous, it's "how" they portrait their ideas. This article made a huge impact on me, and I think I will enjoy being at the art museum more.

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