Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blog assignment 2:Uncertainty


  1. This is a great looking piece. The pictures used just scream personality and really stand out a shocking images. I really like the idea of the question mark idea and the mystical as well as "uncertain" look to it. Considering your main word is uncertainty, thats a good thing! I really like the blur you used to most of the pictures. This makes the viewer feel a little unsure of whats going on which ties directly into you theme. I have really enjoyed seeing all your posts thus far. Keep up the good work.

  2. I completely agree with RaginTrees and would like to add that the blindfold and covering of the eyes in many of your images also contributes to the "uncertain" feeling. Also, many of the people are not shown fully and are cut out, which adds depth to your theme. Great post!
