Monday, February 28, 2011

quiz 3


The Holiday poster is very feminine because you can feel some sort of emotion between them. Judging by how they are smiling and how they look at each other, I think they are in love and they are special to each other. This emotion in the poster appeals to the girls because girls look for romance whether from her lover or from the movie. Also judging by their looks and how they dress, they are trying to impress the other and at the stage where they have just started dating. Also the font plays the big part as well. The font is clean and simple. The white background brings out the font. Also the names in the poster hint the audience that the movie is going to be a romantic comedy. Jude Law is in a very romantic movie while Jack Black is in comedies. 

Movie Kick Ass poster indicates that the movie is targeting younger guys.  The superhero costumes indicate that the movie is going to be a superhero movie. But unlike superman and batman, the people inside have ordinary look. So viewers can assume that this movie will be ordinary people “kicking ass.” Also they are not looking at each other like the holiday poster. They are looking staring which seems like they are looking directly at the audience. It gives the poster very strong look with anticipation for the movie. The black background tells us that the movie will be dark, and violent. Also the font for kick ass is much contrasted with the back ground. 

The End result :

Monday, February 21, 2011

Midterm Project

Artist Statement

What is the meaning of life? Who am I? Why this? Why that? We live with so many questions. Some answered, some not. We learn, we think, we seek religions to answer our questions. I think we do these so much because uncertainty scares us. We are somewhat desperate to find the answer. I thought this feeling or thought was interesting. So I wanted to explore this idea. My big idea is "Uncertainty." I got all my inspirations from different sources. My first one was Rodin's The Thinker. The motion and the face the sculpture makes is universal, and they can be related to everybody. Also my ideas also came from pictures of women in blind fold in flickr. If you were ever blind folded, you can sympathise with the pictures. The scared, confused look. They are also universal. Also I wanted to incorporate the screaming in my mind whenever we think. Screaming in desperation to know the answer. I thought this picture was well illustrated in Munch's The scream. In my diptych. I wanteI wanted to incorporate all these emotions into one single picture. I distorted many figures, used many filters, masks and colors manipulation.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blog assignment 3 #2

 My inspiration also came from Rodin's Aguste Rodin. He also has a same big idea that i can relate to. Uncertainty. His big ideas are clearly shown in his work, "The Thinker." I think it is intriguing that he captured an exact universal humans' contemplating expression. And many of his work have no clothes on. I think it indicates that he wants to portray humans origin and desire to go to the natural state. I want to incorporate his thoughts and ideas to my art. And I want the audience of my art work to think and make the face just like "The Thinker"

Blog assignment 3 #1

 My first inspiration came from Edvard Munch's works. His big ideas and his ways to portray the idea was very intriguing. All his art has a very similar themes. His images are dark, and has somewhat lonely, serene feeling. I think it is because he has a big idea of uncertainty. I think it is interesting that no matter what instrument he uses on his art, he can make it a same theme. Like pictures next to me. One is a brush, and one's an oil paint and one is a pencil like tool. But it all has this dark, serene theme. And his uses of lines and color mixture in his works are interesting. instead of making it a picture like. He makes it a whole new background. I definitely want to incorporate those works in my art.

Rodin's The Thinker

Monday, February 14, 2011

artist statement rough draft

What is the meaning of life? Who am I? Why this? Why that? We live with so many questions. Some answered, some not. We learn, we think, we seek religions to answer these questions. I think we desperately do that because uncertainty scares us. I got my insperations from Rodin's The Thinker. The motion and the face the sculpture makes is universial and its emotion it portrays can be related to everybody. Also my ideas also came from pictures of women in blind fold in flickr. If you were ever blind folded, you can sympathises with the pictures. The scared, confused look. They are also universial. Also i wanted to incorporate the screaming in my mind whenever we think. Screaming in desperations to know the answer. I thought this picture was well illustrated in Munch's The scream. In my diptech. I wanted to incorporate all these emotions into one single picture. I distorted many figures, used many filters, masks and colors manipulation.
