Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blog assignment 3 #2

 My inspiration also came from Rodin's Aguste Rodin. He also has a same big idea that i can relate to. Uncertainty. His big ideas are clearly shown in his work, "The Thinker." I think it is intriguing that he captured an exact universal humans' contemplating expression. And many of his work have no clothes on. I think it indicates that he wants to portray humans origin and desire to go to the natural state. I want to incorporate his thoughts and ideas to my art. And I want the audience of my art work to think and make the face just like "The Thinker"


  1. This is a very interesting way to connect to your midterm project. I really like the photo of the hands barely touching. Its as if they know they want to hold the other hand, yet are holding back for some reason. can't wait to see what your midterm project looks like!

  2. Im very interested to see how you can tie the sculpture technique into uncertainty. Based off of your past, you can definitely pull it off. I think "The Thinker" works well and you can really incorporate this idea somehow.
