Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blog assignment 3 #1

 My first inspiration came from Edvard Munch's works. His big ideas and his ways to portray the idea was very intriguing. All his art has a very similar themes. His images are dark, and has somewhat lonely, serene feeling. I think it is because he has a big idea of uncertainty. I think it is interesting that no matter what instrument he uses on his art, he can make it a same theme. Like pictures next to me. One is a brush, and one's an oil paint and one is a pencil like tool. But it all has this dark, serene theme. And his uses of lines and color mixture in his works are interesting. instead of making it a picture like. He makes it a whole new background. I definitely want to incorporate those works in my art.


  1. Your view on this artist is very interesting. Personally, I think that his work resembles that of van Gogh. The articulate brush strokes with the plain images and neutral colors allow for the audience to create their own beliefs on what is the meaning behind the art. good work.

  2. Edward Munch's work is extremely interesting. it has a very eerie feel to it and i think you can tie this into your main idea of uncertainty super well. The blending and flow of the colors create a mysterious scene and I guess this is what uncertainty is. This is a super interesting artist to base your work off of. Can't wait!
